Anglické texty
Lady Sovereign:
Fiddle With The Volume:
well i'm droppin' bars like a page three star droppin' bras,
my voice hits cars, i love music,
kept my voice locked in a jar for years,
now i'm here i know you loved the way i appeared,
like cha-ching, i've come to br-ring,
the vibe that's been hiding like Bin Laden,
turn the noise down, i beg ya pardon,
i get ya, let this shit rumble your garden as the bass hardens,
miss L dot Harman, get the weirdest looks from bar men,
they wanna go on silly like the Baha Men,
the drama continues,
now like sexual intercourse, feel the tune in you.
abuse your speakers, lose your manners,
disturb the neighbors, this one's a banger,
fiddle with the volume, i beg ya,
fiddle with the volume, ya ya ya,
abuse your speakers, lose your manners,
disturb the neighbors, this one's a banger,
fiddle with the volume, i beg ya,
fiddle with the volume, i beg ya.
fuck ninety nine,
my neighbors got about a hundred and twenty-four problems sittin' on his mind,
beside the fact that i blare my music all the time,
he gets knock down ginger on his yard from nine to five,
ha, wigidy wigidy woo,
s-o-v's voice causin' feuds,
encouraging my neighbors to be rude,
unable to chew food,
due to my new tunes and my renditions of Waterloo,
Waterloo, what who?
from abba to shabba, hip hop, grime to ragga,
i blabber the weird grammar due to listening to hits like a hammer,
bang bang, everybody turn this up.
bang bang bang oiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii,
peoples complaining,
winging and wining coz i'm here vibeing,
bang bang bang oiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii,
peoples complaining,
winging and wining coz i'm here vibeing.
allow country and western,
i got a suggestion,
the music in question is here caving your chest in,
and i ain't got time for resting,
i'm never snoring,
interesting, my living room noises are never boring,
grannys wanna kick my door in,
we're constantly warring till one in the mornin',
now lights off, lights on, i'm teasin' them,
they think i've gone to sleep but i'm changin' CD's again,
now don't go on like you don't like it,
you're only moaning coz your records are shit,
and they skip, now just zip your lip,
and come to my yard and flip the script.
[Verse 1]
For a second ill be the fashion police and im just looking at your garms you been on too many catalogue sprees
With your grannyfied curtain designs, your hurting my eyes,
You really should revise your dress sense before you walk on by,
Im kinda mixed up in this disco inferno,
Baggy jeans and a tight top, lemonade and pernod
Im sticking out like a sore thumb but i aint concerned though, no, uh oh,oh oh oh (boogie)
[Chorus (repeat 2x)]
Fling on an A D I D A S hoodie and just boogie woogie with me
Or you can just. put on your dancing shoes and get loose
Can you get loose can you??
[Verse 2]
So i was up in this trendy bar mingling
My keys around my neck were jingling
And you was looking at me like it was my bling
You was staring at me like to say i was ginger
I was dishing out out the same dirty looks trust me your the minger
Errrr, whos she, whos that, whos her??
The bouncer was approaching me coz i was dressed really inappropriately
No hood, no hats, no this, no that
Lets rolluh olll uh olll ..(out)
[Chorus (2x)]
Right everybody, if youve got someone who cant dress properly, yeah you need to direct them this way.
[Verse 3]
Why not just cut up all your old clothes and make a quilt so i can wrap myself up when im feeling cold,
Why not dash your ugly boots on the fire and burn them down to charcoal,
If your not feeling the way that your bedrin is dressing dont be stressing send them in my direcion please,
Black shoes , white socks, no uhh ohhh
Polka dots, no uhh ohhh
Flowery frocks, no uhh ohhh
Just boogie woogie with me!!!
[Chorus repeat until end]
Na vteřinku budu módní policie a prostě čumim na tvý hadry,
asi si moc ulítáváš na katalozích
se svejma designama babičkovskejch zástěr zraňuješ moje oči,
fakt by ses měla zamyslet nad svým módním vkusem než vylezeš ven z baráku,
jsem nějak zamotaná v tomhle discu infernu
prdel u kolen a těsnej top, limonáda a, Pernod
jsem jak pěst na oko, ale přesto nejsem zaujatá, ne
uh oh, oh oh oh (tančete)
[refrén 2x]
Hoď na sebe Adidas mikinu a tancuj se mnou boogie woogie
Nebo bys aspoň mohla obout svý taneční boty a uvolnit se
Dokážeš se uvolnit, umíš to???
Stla jsem v módním baru a snažila se zapadnout
Mý klíče mi cinkaly kolem krku
Tys na mě čuměla jako by to měl bejt můj náhrdelník
Čuměla jsi na mě, ráda bys řekla že jsem socka
Vracela jsem ti ty samý sprostý pohledy, věř mi, jsi zrůda
Errr, co je to za holku, co je to zač, kdo je ona??
Hnala se ke mně ochranka, protože jsem byla oblečená opravdu nevhodně
,,žádný kapuce, žádný čepice, žádný tohle, žádný tamto“
Takže p-padám, oh-uhh –ohh ..
Ok všichni, jestli znáte někoho, kdo se neumí oblíct, musíte ho navést tudy
Proč prostě neroztrhat všechny tvý starý hadry a ušít z nich deku abych se mohla zabalit až mi bude zima
Proč nezapálit tvý hnusný boty a nenechat je uhořet na popel
Jestli se vám nelíbí, jak se o blíkaj vaši známý, nemějte strach a pošlete je mou cestou prosím
Černý boty, bílý ponožky, ne! Uhh ohhh
Puntíky, ne! Uhh ohhh
Kytičkovaný šatičky, ne! Uhh ohhh
Tak se mnou prostě tancuj boogie woogie!!
[opakovat refrén až do konce]
Bring out the bucket, bring out the cloth,
Bring out the liquid, bring out the lot,
If not, let's roll her to a car wash,
Now washing you will be like washing a goth,
All that black lipstick around their gobs,
How the fuck do we get it off,
I think this will be a very hard job,
How did you get a tan like that in winter?
You ran off the boots and got a box of tinter,
Didn't ya?? See you still got orange fingers!
What network are you on, ORANGE,
Colour of your bathwater, ORANGE,
Your favourite fruit must be an ORANGE,
Bitch, did you know your ORANGE, [x2]
Slap bang goes on your fake tan,
Bitch you look like the tango man
Woodeeyy wooo, do the tango,
Wooodeeyy wooo, do the tango [x2]
Its the gone wrong salon
Your clothes keep ripping like you're the female incredible hulk,
You got a broken bra, a broken top, a broken thong and a broken coat,
You been wearing the same jacket since you were in year 8,
And it smells like you urinate on it bitch,
That ain't great,
You tried to be Christina, so you dyed your hair black,
But really you look like the Vicar of Dibley, what, on crack,
Now just step back and face the facts,
You don't like the fact I get feisty on wax,
Anyways talking about wax, look at your face, girl relax,
Why not fling her on the window sill as a pumpkin,
When it's approaching Halloween,
Or on your English breakfast, place her next to the bacon,
She could be the beans,
And you always know wheres she's been,
And you always know when she's had a pee,
Cause the toilet seat ain't clean
Cause the toilet seat has an orange sheen,
Ching, bring out the detergent,
Scrub that umpa lumpa it's urgent,
Have you seen her face it's disturbing,
How much fake tan are you squirting,
Err it's hurting my eyes, and your starting to look like the sunrise,
And your fake tan's so ming, you're attracting flies!
My England:
It ain't about the tea and biscuits, I'm one of those English misfits,
I don't drink tea I drink spirits, and I talk alot of slang in my lyrics,
These goes a horse, horses for courses, nah more like corpses on corners,
And Staffordshire Bull Terriers and late night crawlers,
Polics carry guns not truncheons, make your on assumptions,
London ain't all crumpets and trumpets, it's one big slum pit.
We ain't all posh like the queen, we ain't all squeaky clean,
Now do the Tony Blair, throw your hands in the air now everytwhere,
We ain't all posh like the queen, we ain't all squeaky clean,
Now do the Tony Blair, throw your hands in the air now everytwhere,
This is the picture I painted my low down, This my London that I call my home twon,
It's where I'm living and this is my low down,
This is my England I'm letting you know now,
No I don't watch the Antiques Roadshow, I'd rather listen Run the Road,
And smoke someone's fresh homegrown,
And not get bloated on a plate of scones,
Cricket, bowls, croquet, nah PS2 all the way, in an English council apartment,
We don't all wear bowler hats and hire servants,
More like 24 hour surveillance and dog shit on pavements,
We ain't all posh like the queen, we ain't all squeaky clean,
Now do the Tony Blair, throw your hands in the air now everytwhere,
We ain't all posh like the queen, we ain't all squeaky clean,
Now do the Tony Blair, throw your hands in the air now everytwhere,
This is the picture I painted my low down,
This my London that I call my home town,
It's where I'm living and this is my low down,
This is my England I'm letting you know now,
Big up Oliver Twist, lettingus know the nitty gritty of what London really is,
It ain't all pretty, deal with the realness, it's all gritty, deal with the realness,
Ohh the changing of the Queen's guard, that's nothing for me to come out of the house form
Tra la la, I'd rather sit on my arse,
And have a glass of Chardonnay, nah
We ain't all Briget Jones clones, who say pardon me,
More like gwanin mate, You get me...
Now i can select a few, paper people like to reject all my views,
Well I'm letting you know the news and
well, this is the straight up truth,
We ain't all posh like the queen, we ain't all squeaky clean,
Now do the Tony Blair, throw your hands in the air now everytwhere,
We ain't all posh like the queen, we ain't all squeaky clean,
Now do the Tony Blair, throw your hands in the air now everytwhere,
This is the picture I painted my low down, This my London that I call my home twon,
It's where I'm living and this is my low down,
This is my England I'm letting you know now
Moje Anglie
Tohle není o čaji a sušenkách, jsme jedna z těch Britů co špatně zkončí,
Nepiju čaj, piju alkohol, a mluvím nespisovně v mých textech,
přichází koně, koně na kurzy, víc než mrtvol v márnici,
a Stredforširský teriér a pozdní louda,
policajti nosí zbraně jako žezla, předvádějí se,
Londýn není měkký a šmejdskej, je to velká díra,
Nejsme všichni nóbl jako královna, nejsme přehnaně čistí,
Tony Blair všude vyhazuje rukama do vzduchu,
nejsme přehnaně čistí, nejsme všichni nóbl jako královna,
Tony Blair všude vyhazuje rukama do vzduchu,
Tohle je obraz,který jsme namalovala, Tohle je Londýn, nazývám ho mým
Je to místo, kde žiji, klaním se mu,
Tohle je moje Anglie, Zajistím abys to věděl,
Teď nevidím Antiques Road , chci poslouchat spěch a silnice,
a kouřit všechno vypěstovaný doma,
a nedostat otekliny z plechu koláčků,
Kriket,bowling,kroket,PS2 všechny cesty, v Anglickém parlamentu,
Nenosíme buřinky a nenajímáme si služebnictvo,
dál jako 24hodinový dozor a pes s*re na chodník.
Ref : Nejsme všichni nóbl jako královna, nejsme přehnaně čistí,
Tony Blair všude vyhazuje rukama do vzduchu,
nejsme přehnaně čistí, nejsme všichni nóbl jako královna,
Tony Blair všude vyhazuje rukama do vzduchu,
Tohle je obraz,který jsme namalovala, Tohle je Londýn, nazývám ho mým
Je to místo, kde žiji, klaním se mu,
Tohle je moje Anglie, Zajistím abys to věděl,
Oliwer Twist, nechává nám podrobnosti o pravém Londýně,
není hezký, obchoduj se zkutečností, podnikavé, obchodej se skutečností
Ohh..střídání stráží, tohle není nic pro mě, jdu pryč,
tra la la, raději sedím na zdaku,
mám brýle od Chardonny,
nejsme všichni jako Bridget jonesová, kdo říká promiňte,
falešný kamarád, dostan mě...
Ref :Nejsme všichni nóbl jako královna, nejsme přehnaně čistí,
Tony Blair všude vyhazuje rukama do vzduchu,
nejsme přehnaně čistí, nejsme všichni nóbl jako královna,
Tony Blair všude vyhazuje rukama do vzduchu,
Tohle je obraz,který jsme namalovala, Tohle je Londýn, nazývám ho mým
Je to místo, kde žiji, klaním se mu,
Tohle je moje Anglie, Zajistím abys to věděl.
It's like bottle smashin', people crashin'
Unnecessary drunken feuds it's fashion,
Clean up that spilt drink or you aint crashin'
My bed's out of bounds so strictly no lashin'
Wheres my debit card nobody move,
You aint getting out of this room until I prove that you didnt take it,
And I missed placed it,
Now get out of my chair I wanna check face-pic,
All these feisty chicks I gotta face it,
Even on a Friday evening when I'm wasted,
You see this life, well, you're never gonna taste it,
I don't associate with waste kids.
There's a gatherin' where's it at? My yard
Who's reachin, who's gettin' messed up,
There's a gatherin' where's it at? My yard
Who's reachin, who's gettin' messed up,
There's a gatherin' where's it at? My yard
Who's reachin, who's gettin' messed up,
There's a gatherin' where's it at? My yard
Who's reachin, who's gettin' fucked up,
Now who's in my yard I've lost count,
There's ten downstairs,
There's four on the couch,
There's five runnin' about,
Someone better bounce,
Before it's 'ding ding' and your lights are out
Or you get left out like the ginge from girls aloud,
Someone's vomiting, gimme the sponge and towel,
Allow it, I ain't cleanin' up her sick,
Why have another sip if you can't handle it,
Lightweights, I really can't stand them,
Stay awake before I do something random,
Permanent markers on their face I'll brand them,
Now welcome to the midget's mansion
There's a gatherin' where's it at? My yard
Who's reachin, who's gettin' messed up,
There's a gatherin' where's it at? My yard
Who's reachin, who's gettin' messed up,
There's a gatherin' where's it at? My yard
Who's reachin, who's gettin' messed up,
There's a gatherin' where's it at? My yard
Who's reachin, who's gettin' fucked up,
Who's reachin', who's getting' what what,
Who's reachin', who's getting' what what,
Who's reachin', who's getting' what what,
Who's reachin', who's getting' woaaaaoo,
Who's reachin', who's getting' what what,
Who's reachin', who's getting' what what,
Who's reachin', who's getting' what what what what what...
So that's me drunk as a skunk,
Shouting like some off-key punk,
Someone got scared and went to the shop and got my junk food,
I wasn't trying to be rude I was in the gatheration spirit in it,
My brethren's dippin' her fries in Guinness in it,
I gave her one look and I said been it in it,
She said she would be back in a minute is it?
Come back next Friday...
There's a gatherin' where's it at? My yard
Who's reachin, who's gettin' messed up,
There's a gatherin' where's it at? My yard
Who's reachin, who's gettin' messed up,
There's a gatherin' where's it at? My yard
Who's reachin, who's gettin' messed up,
There's a gatherin' where's it at? My yard
Who's reachin, who's gettin' fucked up
9 To 5:
Ok yo....
I wake up late every morning
Managers calling im still yawning
Get up wake up hair and makeups
Waiting for you don't be stalling
This performance is important
I don't think I can put my all in
Hold on I was drunk last night
Now its all kicking in and I don't feel right
Gave my number to a breh who wasn't my type
Now my phones on silent im being polite
Now private callers get no love from me
Just let me be...
Oh my gosh my days are getting longer
There's no turning back cuz im working da 9 to 5
To keep my contract did I say 9 I meant 1:30
Im no early birdy im lazy dats all dat I can say
So make sure you heard me
And deres no turning back cuz im working a 9 to 5
So you
Channel who sorry who im altered for snooze
Oh! Channel U da ones dat made me huge
Like Katie Prices boobs
Whoops Im being rude
Wheres my red bull and my sandwich I need food
I cant handle this
Im getting pissd like pampers throwing a tantrum
Nah Id actually rather catch my z's and count sheep in my sleep
Lets not wake her up actually looks quite cute
Oh my Gosh my days are getting longer
And theres no turning back cos im working a 9 to 5
To keep my contract did I say dat I meant 1:30
Im no early birdy im lazy dats all dat I can say
So make sure you heard me
I aint no early birdy
Wont wake up till 12:30
I couldn't be bothered to say much ere
Sooooooooo oh dear
Huh where am I man...
This... aint good... whats going on?!
So my label have changed my image
Im a pink lipstick chik called dipstick
This aint on my wishlist
Oh shit Im in FHM posing in a bikini
Next to a Lamborghini
Next stop the theme tune for Tweenies
Im presenting C-beebies
[pukes] Have u seen me?
Never again, am I drinking lambrini
"Its alright Sov it's a dream... jus wake up!"
Oh my Gosh my days are getting longer
And theres no turning back cos im working da 9 to 5
To keep my contract did I say dat I meant 1:30
Im no early birdy im lazy I'll say it again
To make sure ya heard me
I aint no early birdy
Wont wake up to 12:30
And I cant be bothered to say much ere
So ill say it again
[Repeat chorus (x1)]
Replay chipmunk version:
Shawty's like a melody in my head
That I can't keep out
Got me singin' like
Na na na na everyday
It's like my iPod stuck on replay, replay-ay-ay-ay (2x)
Remember the first time we met
You was at the mall wit yo friend
I was scared to approach ya
But then you came closer
Hopin' you would give me a chance
Who would have ever knew
That we would ever be more than friends
We're real worldwide, breakin all the rules
She like a song played again and again
That girl, like somethin off a poster
That girl, is a dime they say
That girl, is a gun to my holster
She's runnin through my mind all day, ay
Shawty's like a melody in my head
That I can't keep out
Got me singin' like
Na na na na everyday
It's like my iPod stuck on replay, replay-ay-ay-ay (2x)
See you been all around the globe
Not once did you leave my mind
We talk on the phone, from night til the morn
Girl you really change my life
Doin things I never do
I'm in the kitchin cookin things she likes
We're real worldwide, breakin all the rules
Someday I wanna make you my wife
That girl, like somethin off a poster
That girl, is a dime they say
That girl, is the gun to my holster
She's runnin through my mind all day, ay
Shawty's like a melody in my head
That I can't keep out
Got me singin' like
Na na na na everyday
It's like my iPod stuck on replay, replay-ay-ay-ay (2x)
I can be your melody
A girl that could write you a symphony
The one that could fill your fantasies
So come baby girl let's sing with me
Ay, I can be your melody
A girl that could write you a symphony
The one that could fill your fantasies
So come baby girl let's sing with me
Ay, na na na na na na na
Na na na na na na
Shawty got me singin
Na na na na na na na
Na na na na na na na
Now she got me singin
Shawty's like a melody in my head
That I can't keep out
Got me singin' like
Na na na na everyday
It's like my iPod stuck on replay, replay-ay-ay-ay (2x)
Bulletproof Iyaz:
Shes Bulletproof
Oooh ooooh oh oh ooooh
It was love before
girl i know your hearts been true
just more and more i can tell you barely survived
girl my love will be the same im not tryna run no games
i just want your tears to dry
your hearts the target but every time i fire i cant get thro throo through
i fight my hardest but I'm runnin out of weapons to use use
my losings not a option
keep shootin my love away (x2)
damn this girl is bulletproof proof
keep shootin my love away (x2)
damn this girl is bulletproof proof [she bulletproof]
feels like we both have more
out of aim cant shoot no more
what do you want from me
i can feel you reachin out now
but you gotta let your guard down now
whys it so hard to see oooh
your hearts the target but every time i fire i cant get thro throo through
i fight my hardest but I'm runnin out of weapons to use use
my losings not a option so i
keep shootin my love away (x2)
damn this girl is bulletproof proof
keep shootin my love away (x2)
damn this girl is bulletproof proof she bulletproof
ooooh ooooh oh oh ooooh (x2)
your hearts the target but every time i fire i cant get thro throo through
i fight my hardest but I'm runnin out of weapons to use use
my losings not a option so i
keep shootin my love away (x2)
damn this girl is bulletproof proof
keep shootin my love away (x2)
damn this girl is bulletproof proof she bulletproof
I said I don't want to walk this earth
If I gotta so it solo
See girl we used to be a team
Runnin the streets ya
We was livin out our dream ohh
You used to be my rida
I was your provida
And now we separated in two
Ohh when we was burnin up the block
Ya and everybody know when we step in tha spot ohh
See we was like tha dynamic duo
I never thought that you'd go
But you did uh yea you did
Oh and baby you left and sailed away alone yea alone
And now you got me trapped up on this Island
Where nowhere to get home
And I don't want to go go
I don't want to go go
I don't want it no no
I don't want it no no
I don't want to walk this earth
If I gotta do it solo solo
Cause I was so high and now I'm so low
And I don't want to walk around alone solo
I said I don't want to walk this earth
If I gotta do it solo , solo , solo
You was the beat on to my top line
Put us together and you'd have to hit rewind
See You give me a purpose
Now I'm getting nervous that my heart
Will never sing again
Oh when we was runnin up the airwawes
They knew us from the Virgin Islands to the UK
See we was on a way to tha plantium and gold
Never thought that you'd go but you did ya, ya you did
Ohh and baby you left and sailed away alone yea alone
And now you got me trapped up on this Island
Where nowhere to get home
And I don't want to go go
I don't want to go go
I don't want it no no
I don't want it no no
I don't want to walk this earth
If I gotta do it solo solo
Cause I was so high and now I'm so low
And I don't want to walk around alone solo
I said I don't want to walk this earth
If I gotta do it solo , solo , solo
I don't want to walk S-O-L-O
(no no no)
I don't want to walk S-O-L-O
Uh no oh ,uh no oh oh
Uh no oh oh oh
I don't walk S-O-L-O
And I don't want to go go
I don't want to go go
I don't want it no no
I don't want it no no
I don't want to walk this earth
If I gotta do it solo solo
Cause I was so high and now I'm so low
And I don't want to walk around alone solo
I said I don't want to walk this earth
If I gotta do it solo , solo , solo
Řekl jsem, že nechci chodit po téhle zemi
kdybych to musel dělat sám
Bývali jsme týmem
Běžící ulicemi
Prožívali jsme náš sen
Bývala jsi můj jezdec
Já byl tvůj živitel
A teď jsme se rozdělili na dva
Oh když jsme vzplanuli u činžáku
Ya a všichni věděli kam jsme vkročili
Byli jsme jako dynamické duo
Nikdy jsem si nemyslel že bys odešla
Ale ty jsi to udělala uh yea udělal jsi to
Oh a baby ty jsi odešla a uplavala sám yea sám
A teď jsi mě uvěznila na tomhle ostrově
Nikam kde můžeme mít domov
A já nechci odejít odejít
Já nechci odejít odejít
Já to nechci, ne, ne
Já to nechci, ne, ne
Nechci chodit po téhle zemi
Kdybych to musel dělat sám
Protože jsem byl tak vysoko a teď jsem tak v řiti
A jsem že se nechci procházet sám
Nechci chodit po téhle zemi
Kdybych to musel dělat sám
Byl jsi vrchol na mé horní čáře
Dala jsi nás dohromady abys nás přeočila zpět
Dala jsi mi smysl
Teď začínám nervačit z mého srdce
Nikdy nebudeme znovu zpívat
Oh když jsme se rozběhli v rádiu
Znali nás z Panenských ostrovů až do Velké británie
Byli jsme na cestě k platinovce a zlatu
Nikdy jsem si nemyslel že bys odešla
Ale ty jsi to udělala uh yea udělal jsi to
Oh a baby ty jsi odešla a uplavala sám yea sám
A teď jsi mě uvěznila na tomhle ostrově
Nikam kde můžeme mít domov
A já nechci odejít odejít
Já nechci odejít odejít
Já to nechci, ne, ne
Já to nechci, ne, ne
Nechci chodit po téhle zemi
Kdybych to musel dělat sám
Protože jsem byl tak vysoko a teď jsem tak nízko
A jsem že se nechci procházet sám
Nechci chodit po téhle zemi
Kdybych to musel dělat sám
Nechci chodit S-Á-M
(ne ne ne)
Nechci chodit S-Á-M
Uh ne oh, uh ne oh oh
Uh ne oh oh oh
Nechci chodit S-Á-M
A já nechci odejít odejít
Já nechci odejít odejít
Já to nechci, ne, ne
Já to nechci, ne, ne
Nechci chodit po téhle zemi
Kdybych to musel dělat sám
Protože jsem byl tak vysoko a teď jsem tak nízko
A jsem že se nechci procházet sám
Nechci chodit po téhle zemi
Kdybych to musel dělat sám